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Updates on the show
Check back here for updates on the show such as, "Screenings, Casting Calls, Production Dates, etc".
Weekenders Season 2 cast is revealed. You can check them
out on their official bios in the season 2 tab. More updates
A lot of updates today. The biggest update is that
Weekenders Season 1 can now be watched on
"Reveel". Season 2 Cast reveal will be February 3rd, 2023.
Make sure to check back next year for the cast reveal.
Filmhub is taken care of the show's captions and will
be ready for distribution within the next upcoming weeks.
New article with Christopher Wallace dicsussing the
future of the show as well as season 2.
IMDB updated. New cover. Season 2 box art is complete.
Episode 1 Music is 95% Complete. Finalists for season 2 are currently being filmmed between June 2022-August 2022.
Production is currently working on distribution across other platforms so episodes are currently unavailable at the moment.
Semi Finalist will be contacted for season 2 this month.
Shooting dates have changed to November 2022
New Box art will be released this month.
Weekenders Stats will not be visible until all episodes are released on public platforms.
All Episodes are now avialble to rent on the episodes tab. You can also apply for season 2 on the apply tab.
The "Finale" will be tomorrow at 6PM EST on the home page. This will also be the last time you can watch episodes 1-2 free on the homepage untl next weekend. On monday you can also apply to be on the show in the "apply" tab.
You can now buy a Weekenders T-shirt at the shop for $25.
Weekenders is giving away a free t-shirt to anyonen who mentions WeekendersTv on instagram. Check out the home page for more details.
Thank you to everyone who watched the premiere. The next time you can watch episode 1 will be same time next friday from 6pm-12am. NEW EPISODE next saturday at 6pm-12am.
Premiere for Weekenders will be today at 6PM EST on the homepage. More interviews and promos coming soon.
On November 29th, there will be a sneak peek of the first episode of Weekenders on the instagram page (WeekendersTV).
Release Date will be on December 3rd, 2021 (Friday). Catch the premiere on Weekenders on the home page.
Chat with us for questions. On the bottom right of the screen you can enter anything to ask questions about the show as well as casting.

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